Happy New Year everyone who visits this site. Sorry for the 4 week delay...
We are working on improving the search engine and making a search engine for movies.
We have just recently updated the site with a new logo, and a redesigned view page.
For all members, there is a new members forum on the members page. Join there to discuss animation topics.
THe Film Festival is over. The Button won first prize. Sorry for the problem with this festival folks. The festival was more of an analysis.
Film Festival deadline is october 20th.
The Password Protection for the site is now up!
I joined a site some time ago for filmmakers called Christianfilmmakers.org. It has a lot of forums and news about christian film and gives lots of advice on moviemaking.
It's been a long time since I started this site and readied a film festival. I'm hoping we'll be able to have one this year. Our projects will be updated soon. Knight of Archon, I don't have enough legos to make, so it has been pushed back. Two more projects are going to pop up in the near future.
The film festival is ready for all entrees. Please enter. If I do not have enough movies, though, I will call it off.